Homework Policy

Schoolwide Homework Policy

Homework helps students become self-directed, independent learners and improves academic achievements. We believe homework should enhance learning while allowing a balanced life. Homework assignments are purposeful, relevant, and designed to support student learning. Parents are encouraged to take an interest in the homework activities of their children and provide conditions that are conducive to good study habits.

So far as possible, homework is adjusted to the goals, abilities, and interests of students. Some students may require more time for study than others, and different subjects require different amounts of homework. Therefore, the amount of homework per day may vary. If the time spent doing homework exceeds the following guidelines, please contact your child's teacher. The guidelines include:
  • 60 minutes per day for 6th grade students
  • 70 minutes per day for 7th grade students
  • 80 minutes per day for 8th grade students*

*Students taking high school credit courses (Filipino, Spanish, Integrated Math I Advanced) will require additional time spent on homework.

While it is possible that homework may be given on weekends, holidays, or breaks, we will strive to keep this to a minimum.

Homework Policy by Department

For more detailed information regarding the homework plan of a specific teacher, please go to the teacher's website and review their course syllabus.

English Department Homework Policy

In the English Department, homework is purposeful and often a continuation of classwork. Since students are required to work collaboratively in class, attendance is crucial. Grades are often based on short term, mid-range, and long-term assignments, so some assignments will require time at home to complete. Attendance, full engagement in class, and utilizing class time efficiently is directly correlated to the amount of homework a student may need to complete. Students are encouraged to read 30 minutes a night, especially when there is no other English homework. Homework is not typically assigned on holidays or weekends except as needed for projects or if students have missing work due to absences. Unless students have an IEP, late work will receive partial credit. On average, homework is no more than 10% of a student's grade.

Math Department Homework Policy

Homework Policy: Daily math homework will typically be assigned including on Fridays and should take on average 15 minutes for 6th graders, 15 minutes for 7th graders, and 20 minutes for 8th graders. If a parent finds their child is spending more than the allotted time on their math homework, they should schedule an appointment with their math teacher. Homework will not be assigned over holiday breaks. Any class work not completed in class is expected to be completed by the students in addition to their assigned homework.

Late Work Policy: Math teachers accept late homework up to the day of the test. Some teachers may take off partial credit for late assignments. Homework is important to practice/learn new mathematical concepts, so it is important that students complete assigned homework, even if it is late.

Percent of Overall Grade: Homework will count for approximately 20% of the final grade for 6th grade, 20% of the the final grade for 7th grade, and 15% of the final grade for 8th grade.

Physical Education Homework Policy

The Physical Education Department homework policy requires students to turn in their work in a timely manner. Although homework is not given nightly, it is assigned throughout the school year.

Late Work Policy: We expect our students to turn in their homework on time for full credit. The grade is lowered by one grade each day it is late, up to 5 days. Per Education Code, students absent on the due date are given extra time to complete and turn in their homework.

Make up work for students absent from school is allowed for all in-school assignments. An assignment or the daily points will be recorded as a "zero" until the work is made up.

Science Department Homework Policy

In the Science Department, we believe work should be purposeful. The majority of learning will occur during class time in collaborative groups. Assignments vary in terms of length and complexity. Attendance, full engagement in class, and utilizing class time efficiently is directly correlated to the amount of work a student may need to complete outside of class. Some assignments may need to be completed at home.

Social Studies/History Department Homework Policy

We believe that homework is an important part of the educational program of the students in Challenger Middle School and should be assigned on a regular basis. Our policy is that homework should help students become self-directed, independent learners and improve their academic achievements. Our homework assignments will be appropriate to the developmental level of students will be used for enrichment, reinforcement, and extension of school experiences. The amount of time usually required to complete homework assignments will gradually increase from 6th to 8th grade.

Late work policy: partial credit according to grade level and leniency for circumstances (i.e. IEP, emergency, home issues etc.)

These policies were approved by the Challenger School Governance Team (SGT) on May 11, 2017.

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