The School Site Council (SSC) consists of a group of parents, community members, staff and students who create a school site plan based on the school's needs and certain restricted funds. Anyone is welcome to attend the SSC meetings at 3:15 PM on the second Wednesday of each month in room 101. Please view the school's calendar for correct time and date. Only members will be allowed to vote on agenda items. If you have any questions about the SSC, you may contact the principal Erik Sullivan at [email protected].
The Alma Mater mural completed in 2011 by artist Justin Devine is on the east side of the two-story 900 building.
Members for 2024-25
Erik Sullivan - Principal
Mary Hight - Teacher
Chris Kelly - Teacher
Theresa Lambert - Teacher
Jeff Talsky- Teacher
Lucy Alonzo - Classified Staff
Emily Gomes - Parent
AJ Wheeler - Parent
Faith - Student
Jade - Student
Michael - Student
2024-2025 Meeting Dates - Anyone is welcome to attend the SSC Meeting. Please email Lucy Alonzo at [email protected] for meeting information.
September 11 - Agenda
2023-24 Meeting Dates
October 18 Agenda Minutes
November 15 Agenda Minutes
December 13 Agenda Minutes
January 17 Agenda Minutes
February 14 Agenda Minutes
March 13 Agenda Minutes
April 17 Agenda Minutes
May 2 Agenda Minutes
May 15 Agenda Minutes
Policies and Guidelines
Guidelines for Implementation of the San Diego Unified School District Parent Involvement Policy
English Somali Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese
Challenger School Parent Compact
Challenger Title I Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Challenger SSC Bylaws
SDUSD Uniform Compliant Procedures: English Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese
School Site Council Roles and Responsibilities Training Presentation
Helpful Links