Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

At Challenger, our six shared values are Family, Faith, Freedom, Integrity, Love, and Health. We value health because it is the gateway of physical, emotional, social, and mental well-being. We believe in fostering healthy and resilient individuals who are positive contributors to the world. We encourage self-reflection, community building, restorative practices, development of resiliency skills, and inquiry of the impacts of health upon our past, present, and futures.

Students have many opportunities throughout the school day to engage in healthy activities.

Healthy Breakfast and Lunch Meals- Healthy and notorious breakfast and lunch meal selections are offered to students daily though our cafeteria. Food and beverages brought to school should be nutritious, low in sugar content, and low in fat content. For more details about breakfast, lunch, free/reduced meal program, please click here.

Lunch Period - Students are encouraged to eat their lunch first and, if they so choose, they can play basketball or hand ball. They are welcome to socialize with their friends or visit the library. ASB often leads fun activities like an obstacle course, guessing the number of items in a container, and passing a balloon with no hands.

Passing Period and Breaks - When students move between their class periods, they have five minutes to walk to their next class, socialization with friends, have a snack, and renew their energy level. Breaks during class time can be structured through IEP and 504 Plans, granted informally when a student requests one or a teacher observes a need. Some teachers lead breathing breaks, mindful minutes, daily calms, or brain breaks.

Advisory Class - Some teachers begin the day with a calming/breathing session. Advisory lessons often have a character education piece or mindful activity. Before every six-week grading period, advisory classes gather in the Shuttle Court to be part of a Mental Health Awareness Assembly. During each assembly, students learn about aspects of mental health and participate in a guided meditation led by our Chillin' Cheetahs club members. Past assembly themes have been Types of Stress and The Difference Between Mental Health and Mental Illness. One week a year is designated Mental Health Awareness Week. Advisory lessons focus on mental health strategies students can use themselves to cope with their daily challenges. One day during that week, the advisory class is allotted extra time to participate in special activities such as a labyrinth walk, a powerful breathing session, community circles, mindful coloring, yoga, guided visualization and meditation, healthy eating, sound healing, and a mental health discussion called Say it Out Loud.

Physical Education Class - Even though PE is not required every day for grade 6 by the State of California, we have chosen to make sure each and every student has a daily PE class. It ensures that our students have a chance to engage in physical activity and learn from highly qualified teachers. In PE, students will also learn about their health, body mass index (BMI), and how to measure their own physical fitness level.

After School Clubs - Clubs that meet after school are based on student interest and are sponsored by certificated teachers. They give students a chance to make new friends and socialize around a common interest.

Middle School Sports - The district is in the process of creating a Middle School Sports program at each middle school in the district.  Students practice after school twice a week after school and play against other middle schools on the weekend.  For more information, please visit the SDUSD Middle School Sports page.

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